

Rafinad (Reliable Agency of FINancial ADvertising) - a new affiliate network aimed at financial offers. The project is part of a large structure with expertise in CPA.

About the project

Our company had been working on the project since its inception. When the logo and the website were made and we were preparing to launch a platform interface, we started to develop a presentation for Advertisers with the team of Presentation:Overnight (our special project for developing cool presentations).

The work was carried out according to the already well-established scheme. At first, we came up with a structure for the future presentation and wrote it down it in Google Docs. We received recommendations and additions from the customer. 

Google services are convenient to use for such works - there is a possibility of teamwork and online commenting.


Presentation structure

Out of 16+ pages, we reduced our presentation to just 8, while maintaining the selling potential of the presentation. The image of the "round sugar" was taken as a styling element, just like on the website.

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