AliExpress is the largest trading platform for wholesale and retail goods trade. It is known for its low prices and wide assortment of goods.
The Tmall platform operates on the basis of Aliexpress, its main focus is the sales of electronics and household appliances from well-known global producers.
Design Support for brands
Large companies such as Samsung, Bosch, Kitfort, JBL, Sunlight, SOKOLOV and many others are hosted on the platform.
Since the key selling method is the placement of goods on the company’s page, using Aliexpress signature layout, we help brands with the design of these pages.
To reinforce the transition to the page, brands use advertising banners with information about discounts or current offers. We in our turn do design for them.
Resize preparation
Aliexpress spends a lot of resources on advertising in mobile applications and targeting.
Launching an individual advertising campaign requires about 20 banners of different formats, and the total number of campaigns can amount to 25-30 pieces. In total, we receive the amount of work for more than five hundred advertising banners. Aliexpress trusts us with this task, because we are not afraid to take large volumes of resizes.

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